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Sunday, 23 November 2014

Wish Book Barbie

Merry Christmas Princess Angel Barbie 2014
The arrival of the Sears Wishbook was much heralded by the kids in our family.  We had a game where we sat with the catalogue on the coffee table and turned the pages.  The goal was to slap your hand on the photo of a toy first while saying, "I want this one!" hence claiming it as your own.  My mother would play it with us and she was fast.

Winter toys like skates and sleds I remember as being popular as were board games and books.  (I wanted to own the complete Nancy Drew series and the Tom Corbett series, the Hardy Boys, Cherry Ames and everything by L.M. Montgomery.)

Anyway, a very exciting page displayed the annual Collector Barbie.  Always dressed in a fabulous gown, with jewels and beautiful long hair, I dubbed her the Merry Christmas Princess Angel Barbie.  (I checked, this year's costs $49.00 and is wearing a pretty red and gold dress.)  This is my version for 2014.

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