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Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Black and White Ball Barbie

It is almost impossible for any ball to rival the splendor of Truman Capote's Black and White ball held at the Plaza Hotel in 1966.  Truman Capote was either celebrating his successful book In Cold Blood or working to further his social ambitions.   He invited many very famous people but then asked them to wear masks to hide their famous faces.  Although supposedly a private party, the guests were met at the entrance by phalanx of reporters armed with flash cameras.

The menu for the midnight meal included such delights as  scrambled eggs, chicken hash (the hotel specialty) and spaghetti and meatballs.

The orchestra played catchy tunes and the dance floor was filled.  One lady's designer dress failed her and shed beads when she danced so she sat out the evening. 

Barbie has celebrity enough to be included on the guest list of the most glittering and exclusive ball and she has a dress all ready in case you want to invite her.  I promise the sequins will stay on the dress and not fall on the floor no matter what the music.

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