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Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Bridal Wreath Barbie

Bridal Wreath Barbie
Barbie hasn't had a wedding in weeks!  But this weekend the bridal wreath spirea was in full bloom and if that isn't a reason to get married I don't know what is.

You'll notice Barbie's wedding gown is not white.  Vera Wang has featured entire collections of non-white wedding dresses including a series of  red tones and this dress is a tribute to her work. In the movie Time Again, Rachel MacAdams wears a red wedding dress, not by Vera Wang but it is a great dress. 

Queen Victoria's wedding dress was white and started a fashion that has been copied many, many times.  The biggest problem with white of course is it is so hard to keep it clean and red wine leaves such a hideous, conspicuous stain.  

A little free advice to brides, stick to white wine until all the pictures have been taken. And don't eat the salad at dinner in case a leaf becomes lodged in your teeth.  You can thank me later.

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